Wednesday, February 22, 2012

cuthbert chronicles

- The other morning dusting and vacuuming was on the schedule...but Jonah beat me to it.
I walked into my bedroom while Jonah was wiping down my bedside table with a kleenex.
"I'm cleaning it, for you, mom." Thanks Jonah...I swear I was just getting to that....

- Ironically, though, while I did said cleaning upstairs, my downstairs became exponentially
more dirty (thanks to the "clean" two year old noted above). Makes you wonder if my time spent
cleaning actually put me ahead in the game, or behind...

- Oreos are going to be the death of me. 'why keep them in the house?' you ask. Because they're
like the one thing that my dairy free, nut free, egg free little man is allowed to eat. Which, then,
begs the question: 'what are they?!' Not sure. But they. are. so. good.

- Jonah got some new books for valentines day (from matthias media...of whom my husband raves about).
They are really good. And one of the best parts? The company is Austriallian! Who doesn't love to
read a book with a good 'Mum', 'Pram' (you'll have to look that one up), and an extra 'u' here and there...

-Also, remember our singing toddler? Well, thanks to a great uncle and aunt, we came away from Christmas
with some new music. It's for families, all scripture, and it's not annoying to listen to. Well, unless
you're forced to listen to it over and over. But he knows the words, a lot of the words, the truth of the gospel.
So repetition it is.

- My dad texted me last night to say they were in spencer (it's a town in it if you're curious) for
my high school's girls sub-state game. It's the same place we won our sub-state game--eleven years ago?! oh my old.
And they won. Go Lady Dutch!

- I have a sore left shoulder (which is just depressing all the way around considering the last bullet point).
I've hypothesized it may be related to hauling around appox 16lbs of
baby + carseat/diaperbag/toddler. Too bad there isn't occupational therapy and workers comp for

stay-at-home moms. Talk about hazardous working conditions....speaking of, have you read this article yet?

You probably should.

- We may be late on this train, but we're on it. The Downton Abbey train. We're still working our way
through season one, but will be caught up in no time. Good thing we have kiddos, or Ben and I may be
tempted to take a full weekend and watch episode after episode (it's been hem, 24). I also
made a rule that we're not allowed to stay up past midnight watching them. Ben thinks its a silly rule,
but he also requires much less sleep than me and isn't getting up all night long with a baby (who's
sleeping habits have quickly taking a turn way south...due to a cold?).  The unfortunate thing is, we
don't have that far to catch up since it's only currently in season 2. Maybe we should be savoring these
early episodes.

- We went to the park not too long ago thanks to an unseasonably warm day. Apart from the massive
puddles at the ends of the slides, it was fun. Even though I love winter, we are going a little stir crazy
up in here.


1 comment:

wolgie wranglers said...

love updates:) Isn't it funny how stir crazy you can get with kids?! Harder when you have an infant as well!