Monday, February 6, 2012

3 months

{3 months}
full of smiles and laughs
want attention. all. the. time. (preferably from Jonah)
took a crack at the bumbo...a little tippy, but getting there
found hands and tongue
still an easy baby (at least compared with a certain older brother)
doesn't care for bottles (translate: refuses) we're working on that...
okay in the sleeping dept. sleep training my be in our near future
size 3 diapers, 6 month (-9 month) clothes
not sure on the weight/height, but you seem to be doing just fine



Rachel Jones said...

Can't believe he is 3 months & such a big boy!!! He is so precious!!
Oh and we know all about bottle rejection :(

wolgie wranglers said...

seriously a doll! Now I feel like he is looking like his own person! ...ditto on would have thought I learned my lesson with Graham to try more frequently early on!