Monday, January 9, 2012

happy 100!

Real bloggers have stellar year end/new year posts. And they also have some big celebration give-a-ways on milestone 100. Well friends, I consider myself kind of a poser in the blogosphere. Besides some faithful friends and family (you know who you are) my fan base and following isn't exactly, large. I don't always look like I stepped out of the anthropologie catalog, I'm not full of crafty, cooking, or couponing advice (or parenting or decorating...but they didn't have a 'C' and could you tell I was going for alliteration?) and though I like to dabble, professional photographer I am not.
So apart from keeping the grandparents supplied with photos...well, actually that's pretty much the purpose keep the grandparents supplied with photos.

Happy one hundredth post! One hundred pictures from 2011 (how's that for killing two birds with one stone...year end/new year/100th post. Bam.)



Rachel Jones said...

Love the post and the photos!! And love you too :)

wolgie wranglers said...

Really cute Rach! All such great pics....the one of jonah asleep in the high chair and the one with him and the apple made me laugh:)