Monday, June 11, 2012

family run

our church hosts a 5K every spring/summer. it takes a pretty significant amount of work (ben oversees it, so I'm speaking from first hand experience here...) but it's a friday evening, with a live band, and it's totally family friendly.

this is the second year we ran in it (it was rained out the first year we were here) and we got our time down under 25 minutes (which was enough to snag me a medal). the 60+ lbs of boys/stroller is the great equalizer between ben's pace and mine (although it does hinder his ability to contend for a medal)...I did push for about 100 yards while he drank some water, though.

there's also a kids race, which jonah (kind of) ran in. he looked cute with his little number, though, and was so proud of his medal.

if you live in mid-michigan, we'll plan on seeing you next year, ok?

here and here and here are a couple more pics from the race.


Rachel Jones said...

You look great Rach and good job on the race. Thinking of running that long of a race that fast makes me want to pass out right now. Shocker? :)

wolgie wranglers said...

seriously you do look so great!

abby said...

Dear Rachel...
If you could stop being so hot all the time that would really help the rest of us out a lot!!
your friend abby

the cuthberts said...

you all are too sweet....and bubar, the thought of being 30 weeks pregnant makes me want to pass out right now, so we can just call it even :)