Thursday, November 17, 2011

two weeks in.

well. we're all alive--is there a prize for that?
we're actually all doing well--and enjoying our newest family member. I mean, we're stumbling around in a sleepless haze, some due to feeding and diapering through the night and just plain requiring a lot of sleep (rachel) some because we got up at 3am and couldn't sleep so wrote a critical curriculum evaluation, or something...(ben), and, well, some of us continue to thrive with boundless energy (jonah) and the rest of us better keep up, or else...

tomorrow the hubs and I get a two hour date (or maybe two and a half...but not a minute longer--or grandma may have her hands full with a hungry little munchkin). ben's mom is coming to watch our kids (yes, plural, I know. I'm still adjusting, too.) and we get to go out and celebrate the birth of yours truly--at Troppo. my favorite.

I've taken pictures, and they're coming, but things like showers have taken precedence. soooo. here's one to tide you over.

1 comment:

Kirk and Chrissie said...

I am sure you are totally rocking the 2 kid thing! Hang in there...and enjoy your date :).