Tuesday, August 9, 2011

yours, mine, ours

Jonah's been into labeling...everything. Really, he's just into establishing the possession of all things. Anything he sees gets an owner. Most things are either "mom's" or "dad's", occasionally "Jonah's", and possibly a "grandpa/ma's" (I believe he adequately labeled grandma's car the other day). To give you an idea...

While folding laundry, every item gets told their dutiful owner: "Dad's shirt, Mom's shorts, Jonah's suit" (which is an especially exciting find, because, could that mean, we're going to go swimming?!)

Laundry detergent: "Mom's"

Lawn mower: "Dad's"

Nail polish: "Mom's"

Ladder hanging in the garage: "Dad's"

Van: occasionally "Mom's" but mostly "My van!"

Any chevy: "Dad's" (what can I say, this kid knows his auto logos...especially his beloved toyota...)

M&M's in Target: "Mom's" (so I went through a slight peanut butter M&M phase early in pregnancy, I'm over it, but he must have a good memory...)

Ice Cream: "Dad and Mom's" although, today a picture of an ice cream cone got a "Dad!" not sure how Ben manage to snag that one (oh, and our poor kid has a dairy allergy, I'm not depriving him of one of the best tasting substances on this earth, don't worry...)

And the ski goggles hanging in the basement stairwell?: "Mom's". because, yes. yes I do wear them when I cut onions. And, yes. They work amazingly...

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