Wednesday, March 9, 2011

when it rains, it pours.

Silly me to think that two recovering sickies, with compromised immune systems, trudging through germ infested airport after germ infested plane would make it out healthy, right? The stomach flu, double ear infection, sinus infection (and FOUR teeth, like we weren't miserable enough?) struck back with a vengeance last week, and both Jonah and I were--pathetic. (seriously, I don't remember ever being this sick). Thanks to a healthy Ben (who is still going strong?!) for doing all the sick laundry--and a million other things. I think we are finally on the mend.

But amidst a week of blah, we did learn one valuable, lifelong skill:


abby said...

laughing...i love that they do everything but really blow their nose-like mimic the sound that should come from their nose rather than their mouth:) adorable as ever!

Jessica said...

so stinkin' cute. glad you are on the mend. love you.

wolgie wranglers said...

so good to talk to you today! (cute video too!)

Maggy said...

Ugh I'm so sorry CO sent you home sick!