Thursday, September 6, 2012

10 months

count 'em. TEN. that's just two months away from a year---oh my.

first haircut (after these photos--really just remedying the puff on top).
 starting to really know what you want (or don't the case of bananas. yes, uncle dan, be proud.)

flirting with the idea of crawling on all fours and pulling up on things, but then deciding that you'd rather stick with the scoot.
which, is pretty efficient. and every time I watch you do it (especially on the wood floor) it reminds me of learning the breaststroke.
pull, (minus the breathe), kickglide. you've really perfected the glide.
walking? you're really not all that interested. I don't think you're going to be on the 'walk by eleven months jonah plan'. but you've already established that you beat to your own drum--so we're not too surprised.

waving bye-bye, doing 'so big!', still clapping--alot. 

words: mama, dada, a strange sound that means 'jonah' (it's consistent and always excited and with a smile), wow, and ball. speaking of ball, it's really a favorite these days...


wolgie wranglers said...

it really is crazy that one year has almost gone by! Just love those sparkly eyes!

Rachel Jones said...

Awww love the photo with his hands up - ten months, wow!! How'd that happen?!?
And all those teeth! Still more than Lucy at least in front. Trying to wait patiently for them to arrive.
Miss u friend - can't wait to finally meet the T-man!

Jessica said...

Oh my he's so handsome!