Wednesday, December 8, 2010


...TU graduate? All I know is Parents' Weekends are going to be a good time the four years before that!

(thanks for the shirt aunt jess!)


Sarah said...

I am so glad to see this shirt on him. I threw up in my mouth a little bit when you had that Wheaton shirt on him a few posts back. (Just kidding, Ben.) Josh is already talking about what an awesome intramural football team all of these boys will have at TU. Haha. Love you guy!

Jessica said...

That's right . . . TU baby. Lookin' good, J-man.

Love you!

Kirk and Chrissie said...

That's so cute! Maybe we'll be able to hang out on parents weekends :).

Rachel Jones said...

oh my gosh - too cute! what if our kiddos are all together at TU?? :)